Everything SimpLee Designs

Hey there & welcome!

My name is LeeAnn Sowers & I am the gal behind SimpLee Designs.

I decided to start my own company in 2019, so I could put my graphic design degree to use while I tried to do what we all do in our twenties and figure out life. I thought my career goals involved working my way up in the marketing division of a corporate company or becoming a lead designer at a creative agency. I mean, I always thought working for myself would be cool, but it was unknown and therefore, quite scary.

Now, 4 years and multiple shadow jobs later, I took the leap to focus on SimpLee Designs and work for myself full-time. I’d be lying if I said it was all rainbows and butterflies from that moment on. There has definitely been trying days, but in the end I am always reminded why I love what I do. Creating art is in my bones, and helping others see emotion and purpose is a challenge that I will always love.

  • From merch designs to full branding, I’m your gal. I’ve worked within the design & marketing field since 2017, and have been working on finding where I fit. I truly enjoy the challenge of creating designs and learning along the way, but I love when there is an opportunity to incorporate unique illustrations within those designs.

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  • I’ve always been drawn (pun intended) to art since I was little. I took a couple general art classes here and there, but it was never a primary focus for me - until now. I’ve found my passion in creating art and have been working to improve my craft with each piece.

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  • I’ve always been drawn to photography, but never really pursued it until living in central Washington. There I had an opportunity to second shoot for Samie Jo Photo who quickly became my mentor & taught me everything I needed to know to pursue photography after leaving Ellensburg.

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